The Josie Method

Discovering your next career move doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The Josie Method has been carefully crafted by a bunch of experienced career coaches and behavioral scientists to give you an insightful, yet easily manageable career guide to getting the self-insights, exploration tools, and an action plan to help you on your way. Our three-step process is simple: Understand yourself, Explore your options and Follow your path.

In Understand yourself, you'll get a deeper understanding of your work values, your personality, and your skill set that will serve as a foundation for exploring your options and what steps to take to reach your goal. Josie 360™ career test helps you within 15-20 minutes to get an understanding of yourself through these three perspectives in a rich, but easily digestible report.

The aim of Explore your options is to help you figure out which career path you want to take. Josie matches you with careers based on your results from the career test, taking into account factors like your personality, skill set, and what paths people like you have taken in the past.

Once you've decided on your next steps, Josie will help you Follow your path by finding jobs that suit you and providing a catalog of online courses to learn the skills necessary for advancing in your desired career.

Josie guides you through the steps in a fun and interactive way for you to discover your own career path. Ready to get started? Get started with the Josie Way!

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